HB Land – Disclaimer policies.
HB Land Pty Ltd and associated entities their directors, officers and employees gives no warranty that the information contained in this document is, or will remain accurate, complete and current. Images provided (including photographs, artists’ impressions, illustrations, specifications, plans and drawings) are for illustrative purposes only. Any plans provided may be subject to final design and council approval. Maps and drawings are not necessarily to scale and distances and timeframes are provided as a guide only. Prospective purchasers should undertake their own enquiries for their own benefit and satisfaction and should rely on the contents of any contract of sale and formal disclosure statements.
All information contained on this website is provided in good faith and has been prepared with due care. Information on this website is believed to be accurate at the time it is provided but may change at any time without notice. HB Land Pty Ltd its related bodies corporate and associated entities, their directors, officers and employees gives no warranty that the information is, or will remain accurate, complete and current.
Images provided (including photographs, artists’ impressions, illustrations, specifications, plans and drawings) are given as a visual aid, and are indicative only. Any plans provided may be subject to final design and council approval. Maps and drawings are not necessarily to scale and distances and timeframes are provided as a guide only.
To the extent permitted by law, HB Land Pty Ltd excludes all liability for any loss which arises as a result of any reliance on the information contained on this website or otherwise in connection with it. Prospective purchasers should undertake their own enquiries for their own benefit and satisfaction and should rely on the contents of any contract of sale and formal disclosure statements. This website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties (Third Party Websites). HB Land Pty Ltd does not endorse, or approve of the operators of Third Party Websites, or the information, graphics and materials on those Third Party Websites.
Unless indicated otherwise, the contents of this website are protected by copyright and HB Land Pty Ltd reserves all of its rights in that regard.